Привітання з днем народження на англійській мові
A time of the door
Breath the air by yourself nose
Touch the air by yourself hand
Sound the air by yourself voice
A time of the door
Feel the happiness by yourself heart
Feel the sadness by yourself heart
Feel the tears by yourself eyes
Life Life harder
Live Live longer
Love Love bigger!
Привітання з днем народження на англійській мові
Happy Mooday to you,
Happy Mooday to you.
Happy Mooday
Dear Yooday,
Happy Mooday to you!
Привітання з днем народження на англійській мові
May every path be smooth for you,
May every corner bring you happy surprises,
May every day put a smile on your face,
May every friend bring you price and joy,
May you get whatever you always wished for,
And may you never forget ME!
I wish you a very Happy Birthday.
Привітання з днем народження на англійській мові
(to tune of "Old MacDonald")
__1st name__ __last name__ has a birthday.
Hip, hip, hooray!
And on her cake, she has __ candles.
What a happy day!
With a puff puff here
And a puff puff there,
Here a puff
There a puff
Everywhere a puff puff
__1st name__ __last name__ has a birthday.
Hip, hip, hooray!
Привітання з днем народження на англійській мові
How do I begin to tell you how honoured I am
To have you in my life?
I'll start by saying it was a dream come true
The day I became your wife.
You're my best friend in the good times
And my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
And my promise for tomorrow.
I never thought I could feel this loved
Until I became your wife.
You made this year and each other year
The best of my life.
Love always,
Your son and wife!
Привітання з днем народження на англійській мові
Today I'm happy for a reason
For you, today is the beginning of a new season
Today, I want to show you that I care
With lots of happiness, wishes and love to share
With pride, joy and utmost delight I say
Wish you a very very Happy Birthday!
Я в шоке 🙀 ч даже не знала о скоростных имени
Бозна шо пишуть на цьому сайті. Варіації скорочень імені Дар ина у віршах Дарія у віршах Дарʼя з буквою «ш» це російська варіація. Сором та й годі
Каруся топ
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