Привітання з днем святого Валентина на англійській мові
My heart to you is given:
Oh, do give yours to me;
We’ll lock them up together,
And throw away the key…
Привітання з днем святого Валентина на англійській мові
Never so happily in one
Did heaven and earth combine;
And yet 'tis flesh and blood alone
That makes her so divine
Привітання з днем святого Валентина на англійській мові
Love doesn't make the world go round
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile
Привітання з днем святого Валентина на англійській мові
All love, at first, like generous wine,
Ferments and frets until 'tis fine,
But, when 'tis settled on the lee,
And from th' impurer matter free,
Becomes the richer still the older,
And Proves the pleasanter the colder
Привітання з днем святого Валентина на англійській мові
The day of love has come to us,
What can be better now?
I want you to believe and trust
In my amazing love.
I want you to be next to me,
I want to kiss your lips,
I simply want to let you see,
That real love exists.
Привітання з днем святого Валентина на англійській мові
I may not always tell you
What I’m feeling deep inside
The emotions and the feelings
That I sometimes tend to hide
But I’m really proud and pleased
To know that you are mine
And I hope that you still love me
My Darling Valentine!
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