Привітання на 8 березня на англійській мові
Women is symbol of Shakti,
God’s finest & beautiful creation
Without whom no creation is possible.
One who gives birth n nurtures.
Happy women’s day
Привітання на 8 березня на англійській мові
Happy woman’s day to all the lovely ladies here…..
You can prove to the world that you are the best,
Just keep faith in yourself and try to widen the boundaries around you.
You are an obedient daughter, a lovely wife and a responsible mother.
What if some people are opposing women reservation bill for their cheap
Motives, tell the world that you can reach to the top without these reservations
And support from a man’s world….
Keep rocking always…three cheers to all of us…
Wishing you a Happy Woman’s day.
Привітання на 8 березня на англійській мові
On women's day,
I'm thinking about
The special ways
You have made my life better.
The little things,
The not-so-little things…
Your kindness,
The way you always listen
And pay attention to me.
You make my world.
Happy Women's Day !
Привітання на 8 березня на англійській мові
Women in Men’s life..
I was born,
A woman was there
To hold me. -My Mother-
I grew as a child,
A woman was there
To care for me, to
Play with me. -My Sister-
I went to school,
A woman was there
To help me learn. -My Teacher-
I became depressed, whenever i was lost.
A woman was there
To offer a shoulder. -My Wife-
I became tough,
A woman was there
To melt me. -My Daughter-
I am dying,
A woman is there
To absorb me in. -My Motherland-
If you are a Man,
Value every Woman…
If you happen to
Be a Woman, be
Proud to be a Woman..
Привітання на 8 березня на англійській мові
Sometimes In
The everyday Rush
I Forget to Say it. . .
But Today
I want to say. . .
Just how Much
You are
Loved and Appreciated.
Happy WOMEN’S Day.
Привітання на 8 березня на англійській мові
Behind every successful man is a woman who is getting ahead of him! Three cheers to the woman of tommorrow!
Happy Woman’s Day!!
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